Katrien Vorlat is vennoot in onze Corporate and M&A praktijkgroep.

Katrien Vorlat is een ervaren transactionele advocaat. Haar praktijk focust zich op zowel nationale als internationale fusies en overnames, private equity en corporate venture capital dossiers. Ze adviseert cliënten omtrent oprichting, versmelting, herstructurering of liquidatie van ondernemingen. Katrien Vorlat onderhandelde en structureerde al vele M&A-transacties, joint ventures, investeringen en exits, voornamelijk in de farma, IT/AI, logistieke en verzekeringssector. Katrien Vorlat vertegenwoordigt regelmatig Amerikaanse, Europese en andere internationale cliënten die in België investeren via overnames of joint ventures en greenfield operaties. Verder staat zij Belgische cliënten bij in het kader van hun binnenlandse overnames en/of buitenlandse investeringen.

Katrien wordt vaak geraadpleegd door non-profitorganisaties, bedrijven, raden van bestuur, adviesorganen en/of aandeelhouders voor strategische bijstand inzake corporate governance aangelegenheden en transparantievragen.

Ze neemt regelmatig deel aan panelgesprekken in binnen- en buitenland over topics inzake M&A, private equity, ESG of deugdelijk bestuur. Ze heeft ook veelvuldige publicaties inzake vennootschapsrechtelijke thema’s op haar naam staan.

Katrien is onafhankelijk lid van het proxy voting comité van Degroof Petercam Asset Management NV. Zij is ook co-voorzitster van het internationale PE/VC subcomité van de Business Law Section van de American Bar Association.


Katrien is licentiaat in de rechten (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1990). Zij behaalde een LL.M. aan de Yale Law School (1992) en bezit tevens het diploma in vergelijkend recht behaald aan de Faculté Internationale de Droit Comparé in Straatsburg (1993).


Katrien is sinds 1993 lid van de Brusselse balie.




Nederlands, Engels, Frans, Duits


"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx


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