France Vlassembrouck is vennoot in onze praktijkgroep Vastgoed en Administratief recht.

France is een ervaren advocaat op het vlak van geschillenbeslechting en transacties. Dankzij haar uitgebreide expertise in zake vastgoed, stedenbouw, milieu en overheidsopdrachten kan zij cliënten een multidisciplinaire aanpak aanbieden in het volledig proces van grote infrastructuur- of ontwikkelingsprojecten. Ze staat hoog aangeschreven voor haar beheer van alle fasen van het project, d.w.z. van alle aspecten die verband houden met de ontwikkelingsfase (bv. Overheidsopdrachten & PPP, concessies, onteigeningen, zoning en planning, vergunningen, subsidies) tot de onderhandelingen van de contracten (bv. overheidsopdrachten en constructiecontracten, vestiging van rechten onroerende goederen) en, indien nodig, gerechtelijke procedures.

Als vooraanstaand expert in administratief recht adviseert zij zowel overheidsinstanties als particuliere cliënten die zij met succes vertegenwoordigt in de transactiefase of die zij verdedigt voor de hoven en rechtbanken. Zij pleit regelmatig voor de Raad van State en het Grondwettelijk Hof.

France treedt regelmatig op als gastspreker op conferenties en seminaries en heeft ook verschillende artikelen gepubliceerd over haar voorkeursmateries.


France Vlassembrouck is licentiaat in de rechten (Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, 1992) en behaalde een Bijzondere Licentie in het Economisch Recht (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1993). In 2007 behaalde ze het Certificaat Professionele Opleiding in Cassatie.


France Vlassembrouck is sinds 1993 lid van de Brusselse balie.




Frans, Néederlands, Engels


"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx


Chambers Europe 2022 - Public Law

France Vlassembrouck joined Strelia in the autumn of 2021. She is well versed in public procurement tender topics. She also represents clients in challenges to existing legislation.

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