Met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring is Benoît Malvaux vennoot in de fiscale praktijkgroep van Strelia.

Hij richt zich op de fiscale aspecten van M&A en vennootschapsrechtelijke herstructureringen, aandelenoptieplannen, financiële producten en vastgoedtransacties.

Waar dit aangewezen is, moedigt Benoît onderhandelingen van kwesties aan. Hij heeft een belangrijke rulingpraktijk ontwikkeld en heeft reeds vele rulings verkregen voor allerlei soorten cliënten (waaronder de Belgische Staat) met betrekking tot diverse complexe fiscale structuren.

Hij geeft regelmatig lezingen op conferenties over fiscale kwesties.


Benoît Malvaux behaalde in 1985 een diploma in de rechten aan de Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) en behaalde in 1988 een postuniversitair diploma in fiscaal recht aan het Institut Supérieur de Commerce Saint Louis. Hij behaalde in 1994 een LL.M aan de Duke University School of Law (North Carolina, USA).


Benoît is sinds 1996 toegelaten tot de Brusselse balie.


Benoît is lid van het Legal and Tax Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in België.




Frans, Nederlands en Engels.


"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx


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