On Wednesday, Pierre Goffinet, partner in our Competition Law and Regulatory practice, had the opportunity to hear and discuss about the ongoing negotiations between Switzerland and the EU.

His presentation focused on the rules resulting from the EU market codes applicable to the internal electricity market and highlighted the situation of Switzerland in this context.

Many thanks to the Association des entreprises électriques suisses AES for the organisation of this seminar, to all the participants and to the speakers for their insightful presentation: Dominique Martin (Verband Schweizerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen VSE), Christophe Rapin (Kellerhals Carrard), Christian Bühlmann (Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE), Michel Petite (Clifford Chance), Claire Froitzheim (Competition and Markets Authority), and Emanuele COLOMBO (Swissgrid AG).

Special thank to Christophe Rapin for his invitation and to Mediona Shehu for her contribution to the presentation.