Our dispute resolution and restructuring & insolvency partner Bart De Moor is one of the speakers in a breakfast webinar “The future is digital- will Google replace lawyers?“ organised by the Vlerick Legal Club on Thursday 8 July. He will participate in an interactive debate with Thierry Geerts (Country Director Google Belgium) and Wouter Devroe (Dean of the Faculty of Law and Criminology KU Leuven). They will be answering topical questions:

• What are the dangers and opportunities of the digital revolution?

• How can lawyers deal with this evolution?

• Do they have to adjust and how can they add value?

• What about the universities?

• Are they ready to provide students with the necessary training?

• What is the breadth of disruption and innovation impacting the legal academy and profession?

Are you also curious about the answers to these questions? More information and registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/vlerick-legal-club-the-future-is-digital-will-google-replace-lawyers-tickets-159629507153?aff=outlookinvites 

