Strelia est basée au cœur de l’Europe, avec des bureaux à Bruxelles et au Luxembourg. Nous nous consacrons essentiellement au droit des sociétés, aux questions commerciales et au règlement des litiges dans ces domaines.
La pratique de Strelia se concentre sur le droit des sociétés et fusions & acquisitions, le droit bancaire et financier, le règlement des litiges, la restructuration & l’insolvabilité, la fiscalité, le droit commercial, le droit social, le droit de la concurrence et la régulation sectorielle et le droit immobilier et administratif.
Notre niveau de service et la qualité de notre travail correspondent aux normes des bureaux internationaux, mais nous ne faisons aucun compromis quant à notre engagement envers nos clients, notre flexibilité, notre réactivité et notre maîtrise des coûts, qui sont les caractéristiques d’un cabinet de niche.
We're moving up! We’re honoured to announce that Strelia Luxembourg has once again been recognized in the Legal 500 2025 rankings—highlighting our growing reputation in Priva...
Once again, several of our Brussels practices have been recognized by Legal 500 for their excellence, expertise, and impact. We would like to warmly thank our clients and pee...
CJEU Ruling on Working Time Registration: Implications for Belgian EmployersThe Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a significant ruling on the 19 December 20...
No more Secrets - Enhancing Cross-Border Corporate Transparency On 30 January 2025, Directive 2025/25 entered into force (the Directive). The Directive aims to improve th...
The Social Intelligence and Investigation Service (SIOD) has announced targeted flash inspections across various sectors in 2025. These inspections aim to enforce compliance w...
Employee share ownership: Opportunities and pitfalls - A corporate law perspectiveAlthough employee share ownership (“Actionnariat salarié”/”Medewerker-aandeelhouderschap”) re...
"Strelia is a very modern law firm, able to dedicate the right resource to many diverse problematic issues. They have a strong sense of trying to conciliate the parties, but they can show also formidable pleading skills when needed. They give very clear and easy to understand advice while being able on the other side to develop incredibly sharp arguments to defend a case."
Legal 500
"The firm provides excellent legal services and our matters are always handled on time and with diligence."
Chambers & Partners
"The team is looking for solutions and to keep the best middle way for managing the conflict, while not pushing us into too many litigation cases, but merely to a reasoned, amicable solution."
Chambers & Partners
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